European Women Dating Success Stories

Featured Success Stories

Ekaterina and Lee

We just want to say thanks to Dream Singles site for a great opportunity to find your soulmate, your kindred spirit! Once again we bring our gratitude for the fact that it is was this site that connected our hearts many years ago. We still keep our connection and we hope that we will be in a new level very soon (more than just a couple). Our meetings are something special and bring us closer and closer to each other. We feel very happy now!

Ekaterina and Lee 27 September 2020

Polina and Joachim

These two years have proven to be the most exciting and the most interesting that I could ever have imagined. Meeting with Joachim is one of the best thing that happened to me. At the first sight I thought that we were both from different planets - he's from Mars but I'm from Venus :) However, when we met it was clear that no matter how different we are - we can be happy together on this planet - the Earth! We were so excited to explore each other's inner worlds. Walking the streets, sharing dreams, holding hands and planning future trips together. Every single day I can't wait to receive a message from him in WhatsApp. Isn't it crazy what falling head over heels can do to a person? So, please if you meet someone and think he/she is not for you - just give that relationship a chance! Opposites attract and being Yin and Yang can be a key to happy relationship - don't ever doubt it! I'm so thankful to Dream Singles for giving people a chance to be happy.

Polina and Joachim 25 September 2020


Julia and Eric

I've always had the idea that if you really want something to happen it will happen no matter what. You simply need to believe in it. So, I decided to join Dream Singles site and I felt that was the right time and I am ready to be happy.And you know what? Here I met Eric... We had a really amazing time in Kiev, there were many beautiful moments together. We talked a lot about our lives. I am very happy that he decided to visit Ukraine in this difficult time and meet with me. Now, I am sure that no matter what (closed borders, virus, restrictions, canceled flights, broken cars and so on), if two people really want to see each other then they will. So, now I know for 100% that dreams come true! Thanks to Dream Singles.

Julia and Eric 01 September 2020


Svetlana and Paul

Three turned out to be a magical number for us! We started our communication three years ago and we already knew that we liked and trusted each other. We were sure that to meet each other in person will secure these feelings to be even stronger and take us to a more serious level for our future. Before we met, Paul and I had another two attempts to see each other - and we failed them. However, exactly that lucky 3rd time has changed our lives. We met in Lviv and I must say I'll never forget that day - rainy but beautiful. We talked much and decided to go riding bikes the next day. We both made many efforts to ensure that this finally happens - now we're happy, full of hopes and plans for our future. A little advice for everyone - don't give up on people you love and thanks to Dream Singles site for giving us this opportunity to meet each other.

Svetlana and Paul 26 August 2020


Ekaterina and Thomas

Many many thanks to Dream-singles site for giving us the second opportunity to meet. Finally, we got this chance to meet again and one more meeting made us understand how much we need each other. It was is a long-awaited and very pleasant day after a long separation. Now, we full of Joy and hopes and want to share our experience. Thanks again to the site for these pleasant moments in our life and the fact that we can find our soul mates here.

Ekaterina and Thomas 25 August 2020

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