Contact Us

Please read our Frequently Asked Questions before sending your question or inquiry.
You can also reach us at 1(888)989-4889 and 1(877)989-4595 or text us at 1(214)206-7057

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Thank you for contacting Billing Inquiries Department, we look forward to assisting you and providing you with the best possible service and resolution. In order to be of better assistance to you provide the following information:

(e.g. Windows XP, Windows ME, Windows 8, Windows 10, etc.)
(e.g. 1GB RAM, 256MB RAM, etc.)
(e.g. dial-up, cable, satellite, etc.)
(e.g. Spectrum, Verizon, etc.)
(e.g. Internet Explorer 10, Chrome, Firefox, etc.)
(e.g. Google Toolbar, Yahoo Toolbar, etc.)