Uncategorized – Heritage Travel Services https://www.heritagetravelservices.com Heritage Travel Services Tue, 04 Jan 2022 14:23:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.8.3 https://www.heritagetravelservices.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/heritage1-01-46x48.png Uncategorized – Heritage Travel Services https://www.heritagetravelservices.com 32 32 Portuguese Wine Tourism https://www.heritagetravelservices.com/portuguese-wine-tourism/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=portuguese-wine-tourism https://www.heritagetravelservices.com/portuguese-wine-tourism/#respond Tue, 04 Jan 2022 14:23:04 +0000 https://www.heritagetravelservices.com/?p=6961 https://www.heritagetravelservices.com/portuguese-wine-tourism/feed/ 0 Video Road Show 2021 https://www.heritagetravelservices.com/video-road-show-2021/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=video-road-show-2021 https://www.heritagetravelservices.com/video-road-show-2021/#respond Thu, 02 Dec 2021 14:58:18 +0000 https://www.heritagetravelservices.com/?p=6957 Video Road Show 2021

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Próximo día 4 de Marzo Central de Receptivos retoma las formaciones online con Webinars sobre destinos y receptivos https://www.heritagetravelservices.com/proximo-dia-4-de-marzo-central-de-receptivos-retoma-las-formaciones-online-con-webinars-sobre-destinos-y-receptivos/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=proximo-dia-4-de-marzo-central-de-receptivos-retoma-las-formaciones-online-con-webinars-sobre-destinos-y-receptivos https://www.heritagetravelservices.com/proximo-dia-4-de-marzo-central-de-receptivos-retoma-las-formaciones-online-con-webinars-sobre-destinos-y-receptivos/#respond Mon, 01 Mar 2021 14:15:00 +0000 https://www.heritagetravelservices.com/?p=6912 Vuelven los webinars de Central de Receptivos
La central de operadores internacionales retoma las sesiones formativas para agencias de viajes.

A pesar de que agencias de viajes son sin duda uno de los colectivos más afectados por la crisis provocada por la pandemia, éstas no cesan en su formación y profesionalización.

Por ello, a partir del próximo día 4 de Marzo Central de Receptivos retoma las formaciones online con Webinars sobre destinos y receptivos, impartidos directamente por los propios operadores asociados al consolidador. “Hemos permanecido al lado de las agencias en este último año, desde el principio de esta pandemia con formaciones online así como dando todo el soporte necesario a los agentes y operadores. Las receptivos también han sufrido muchísimo la pandemia, pero han resistido con mucho esfuerzo y sacrificios, y ahora es importante retomar la relación agencia-operador y generar confianza y garantías para la nueva normalidad” apunta Javier Centeno, director general.

El objetivo de estas sesiones, que se imparten tres veces por semana es ofrecer a las agencias información actualizada acerca de la situación de los destinos, cómo se han reestructurado sus recursos turísticos después de la Covid-19, así como las medidas tomadas por los operadores y destinos para recuperar la actividad con garantías de cara al próximo verano.

“Estamos convencidos de que las agencias de viajes, a pesar de haber sido grandes afectados en esta crisis, saldrán reforzadas profesionalmente. Sin duda cambiará la forma de viajar, los clientes serán más exigentes y confiarán más en el agente para confeccionar sus viajes con garantías. Por esto es tan importante llegar preparados en protocolos de viaje, destinos y nuevos productos”

En esta nueva tanda de seminarios, se otorgará un diploma acreditativo de experto en el destino a todas las agencias que participen en los mismos. Se impartirán seminarios de destinos europeos, americanos, africanos, asiáticos y algún que otro destino exótico.

Para acceder a los webinars es necesario registrarse en el apartado de Formación de Central de Receptivos. Para aquellos a los que no les sea posible asistir en directo, todos los webinars quedarán disponibles en esa web.

Central de Receptivos es un consolidador de receptivos internacionales enfocado exclusivamente a las agencias de viajes, cubriendo a día de hoy 159 países con operadores directos y todos de habla española. Con más de 8 años en el sector Central de Receptivos se ha convertido en el proveedor de referencia en el sector.

Almudena Fernández Iglesias

Directora de Comunicación



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Cidade de Braga eleita Melhor Destino Europeu 2021 https://www.heritagetravelservices.com/cidade-de-braga-eleita-melhor-destino-europeu-2021/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=cidade-de-braga-eleita-melhor-destino-europeu-2021 https://www.heritagetravelservices.com/cidade-de-braga-eleita-melhor-destino-europeu-2021/#respond Sat, 13 Feb 2021 11:44:23 +0000 https://www.heritagetravelservices.com/?p=6908 Cidade de Braga eleita Melhor Destino Europeu 2021

Fonte: BragaTV

A cidade de Braga acabou de ser eleita o Melhor Destino Europeu para visitar em 2021.

Braga recolheu 109.902 votos dos internautas, consolidando-se como um destino de excelência e uma referência no turismo internacional. Depois já ter sido considerada o segundo Melhor Destino Europeu em 2019, Braga ocupa agora o primeiro lugar nas preferências dos participantes, a uma distância superior a 31 mil votos da segunda classificada, a capital italiana, Roma.

Os resultados foram conhecidos esta quarta-feira e para o presidente da Câmara Municipal de Braga, Ricardo Rio, esta votação é “o coroar de um inquestionável trabalho de afirmação internacional da marca Braga”.

Ricardo Rio destaca o apoio a esta candidatura por parte de muitos portugueses espalhados pelo mundo, além do empenho da própria cidade, das instituições e dos bracarenses. Do total de votos na cidade de Braga, 72% referem-se a participantes fora do território nacional, um dado bem demonstrativo da projecção da cidade a nível nacional.

“É um resultado que nos enche de orgulho e que certamente terá reflexos extremamente positivos no Turismo e na economia local, regional e nacional durante os próximos anos”, sublinha o autarca, agradecendo o empenho de todos os que “contribuíram decisivamente para que este resultado fosse possível” e deixando uma palavra de reconhecimento ao apoio demonstrado pelo presidente da República Portuguesa, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, pela secretária de Estado do Turismo, Rita Marques, Entidade Regional de Turismo do Porto e Norte de Portugal e Associação de Turismo do Porto e Norte (ATP), além de diversas Autarquias, entidades e cidadãos.

Nesta edição, Braga foi o destino favorito dos viajantes do Reino Unido e do Brasil e uma das principais escolhas de viajantes dos Estados Unidos da América e de França. Todos os anos a organização recebe um do Vaticano, que este ano também foi depositado na candidatura bracarense. A organização destacou ainda a capacidade de mobilização promovida por Braga, unindo todo o país torno da sua candidatura.

“A partir de agora, Braga estará ainda mais presente nas mais reputadas publicações na área do Turismo de todo o mundo, o que fará da cidade um destino cada vez mais procurado para milhões de viajantes”, refere Ricardo Rio.

Dos 20 destinos a votação, os 15 primeiros irão figurar na página web do European Best Destination, onde poderão ser visitados por milhares de viajantes que utilizam estas informações para escolher os seus destinos turísticos. A referida página é a mais visitada no que se refere ao Turismo na Europa, com uma audiência que ultrapassa os 5.5 milhões de viajantes.

Nesta edição, as 15 cidades distinguidas foram: Braga, Portugal (109.902 votos); Roma, Itália (78.124); Cavtat, Croácia (50.025); Florença, Itália (46.484); Sibiu, Roménia (45.699); Paris, França (39,584); Cefalónia, Grécia (36.551); Kotor, Montenegro (32.481); Soca Valley, Eslovénia (30.088); Ilhas Canárias, Espanha (26.432); Tubinga, Alemanha (25.586); Dordonha, França (24.427); Taiti, Polinésia Francesa (22.356); Capri, Itália (18.420) e Ghent, Bélgica (16.503).

Recorde-se que, tal como em 2019, Braga era o único destino nacional nomeado para receber esta distinção em 2021, um dado que acaba por confirmar o crescimento da marca Braga e a qualificação da oferta turística disponibilizada pela cidade.

Criada em 2009, a European Best Destinations, organização sediada em Bruxelas, promove a cultura e o turismo na Europa e distingue, desde 2010, as cidades mais modernas e atraentes para visitar na União Europeia. Este é considerado o maior evento de e-turismo da Europa.

Fonte: BragaTV


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World Travel Awards 2020: Portugal é o Melhor Destino Europeu pelo quarto ano consecutivo https://www.heritagetravelservices.com/world-travel-awards-2020-portugal-e-o-melhor-destino-europeu-pelo-quarto-ano-consecutivo/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=world-travel-awards-2020-portugal-e-o-melhor-destino-europeu-pelo-quarto-ano-consecutivo https://www.heritagetravelservices.com/world-travel-awards-2020-portugal-e-o-melhor-destino-europeu-pelo-quarto-ano-consecutivo/#respond Mon, 02 Nov 2020 09:58:38 +0000 https://www.heritagetravelservices.com/?p=6892 World Travel Awards 2020: Portugal é o Melhor Destino Europeu pelo quarto ano consecutivo


​​​​​​​​​​​​Portugal acaba de ser eleito, pelo quarto ano consecutivo, o Melhor Destino da Europa na edição 2020 dos World Travel Awards, os “óscares do Turismo”, uma distinção atribuída pelos profissionais do setor cuja cerimónia, este ano, decorreu em formato virtual.
A cidade do Porto conquistou o galardão de Melhor Destino City Break da EuropaLisboa foi distinguida como Melhor Destino Europeu de Cruzeiros e o Algarve volta a ser o Melhor Destino de Praia da Europa, num total de 21 prémios atribuídos a Portugal nas várias categorias.
Para a edição mundial destes prémios a votação já terminou e os resultados serão conhecidos a 27 de novembro.
Segue-se a lista completa de prémios (21) atribuídos a Portugal nos World Travel Awards 2020 – Edição Europa:
_ Europe’s Leading Design Hotel 2020 – 1908 Lisboa Hotel
_ Europe’s Leading Luxury Hotel 2020 – Belmond Reid’s Palace
_ Europe’s Leading Lifestyle Resort 2020 – Conrad Algarve
_ Europe’s Leading Tourism Development Project 2020 – Dark Sky Alqueva
_ Europe’s Responsible Tourism Award 2020 – Dark Sky Alqueva
_ Europe’s Leading Luxury Resort & Villas 2020 – Dunas Douradas Beach Club SA
_ Europe’s Leading Wine Region Hotel 2020 – L’AND Vineyards
_ Europe’s Leading Cruise Destination 2020 – Lisbon, Portugal
_ Europe’s Leading Cruise Port 2020 – Lisbon Cruise Port
_ Europe’s Most Romantic Resort 2020 – Monte Santo Resort
_ Europe’s Leading Adventure Tourist Attraction 2020 – Passadiços do Paiva (Arouca UNESCO Global Geopark), Portugal
_ Europe’s Leading Lifestyle Hotel 2020 – Pestana CR7 Lisboa, Lifestyle Hotel
_ Europe’s Leading All-Inclusive Resort 2020 – Pestana Porto Santo All Inclusive Beach & Spa Resort
_ Europe’s Leading City Break Destination 2020 – Porto, Portugal
_ Europe’s Leading Boutique Hotel 2020 – Sublime Comporta
_ Europe’s Leading Airline to Africa 2020 – TAP Air Portugal
_ Europe’s Leading Airline to South America 2020 – TAP Air Portugal
_ Europe’s Leading Inflight Magazine 2020 – Up Magazine (TAP Air Portugal)
_ Europe’s Leading Destination 2020 – Portugal
_ Europe’s Leading Beach Destination 2020 – The Algarve, Portugal
_ Europe’s Leading Luxury Boutique Hotel 2020 – Valverde Hotel
Os World Travel Awards começaram a ser atribuídos em 1993, reconhecendo o trabalho desenvolvido na área da indústria turística a nível global, de modo a estimular a competitividade e a qualidade do turismo. A seleção dos nomeados é realizada à escala mundial por milhares de profissionais do setor, que todos os anos escolhem os seus favoritos.
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Video Webinar “Portugal como nunca te han contado” https://www.heritagetravelservices.com/webinar-portugal-como-nunca-te-han-contado/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=webinar-portugal-como-nunca-te-han-contado https://www.heritagetravelservices.com/webinar-portugal-como-nunca-te-han-contado/#respond Thu, 25 Jun 2020 13:52:28 +0000 https://www.heritagetravelservices.com/?p=6739 Webinar “Portugal como nunca te han contado”

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Wine cellars of Portugal with architect’s stamp https://www.heritagetravelservices.com/wine-cellars-of-portugal-with-architects-stamp/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=wine-cellars-of-portugal-with-architects-stamp https://www.heritagetravelservices.com/wine-cellars-of-portugal-with-architects-stamp/#respond Fri, 07 Jun 2019 14:14:20 +0000 https://www.heritagetravelservices.com/?p=6425

With the characteristic of architect and in harmony with the nature, it is presented a route of the most beautiful wineries, from north to south of Portugal. ‘From the winery with a striking construction inspired by the walls of Monção 17th century, classified as National Monument in 1910 to the basement where there are no stairs in the cellar and the connection between the four floors is through a spiral path that mimics the rotation of a corkscrew … this is a tour you can not miss !!

9 nights / 10 days   |  From 230€ per person / day  |   minimum of 6 people

Included: Hotel 4 * or similar & Breakfast, Transportation, Roteiro made to measure, Wine tests and meals

Not included: Flights, tourist rate, personal expenses, meals not mentioned in the inclusions, other activities not mentioned in the inclusions.


Arrival at Porto airport and transfer to the Hotel. Viana do Castelo is one of the most beautiful cities in the north of Portugal. Their participation in the Portuguese Discoveries and, later, in cod fishing, show their traditional union with the sea. Free Dinner. Overnight at the hotel in Viana do Castelo.



Breakfast at the hotel. Quinta da Pedra: The winery is an impressive construction inspired by the walls of Monção from the 17th century, classified as a National Monument in 1910. With a design architecture by Carlos Dias with a VHM project. The year of construction is 2011. The largest continuous vineyard in Alvarinho in Portugal, with 43 hectares of vineyard. visit to the vineyards, cellar, barrel room and distillery, wine tasting. Lunch and Free Dinner. Overnight at the hotel in Viana do Castelo.



Breakfast at the hotel. Adega Casa da Torre: At the entrance, an old barrel was transformed into a laboratory and testing room. The architect was Carlos Castanheira and the year of construction is 2009. In the property with five hectares of vineyard with the Loureiro, Alvarinho and Sauvignon Blanc varieties, the grapes of three quintas belonging to the family are vinified giving origin to the Quinta do Cruzeiro – Loureiro, Arinto, Trajadura and Minho Sousa Lopes Regional Wine – Loureiro, Chardonnay. The image of the labels is that of Pinheiro Manso – Pinus Pinea. This tree has a very special meaning for the family because it was planted on March 31, 1932 by the grandfather to commemorate the birth of his first daughter. visit to the vineyards, visit the winery with an explanation of the production method. Adega Gran Cruz: Gran Cruz is owned by the French company La Martiniquaise since 1956. The largest wine exporter in Oporto built a warehouse and a storage center full of light. The architect is Alexandre Burmester and his year of construction is 2014. It is the most modern center for wine making and logistics of this type in Portugal, with the incorporation of innovation in all stages of the production process. Visit to the winery, wine tasting. Lunch and Free Dinner. Overnight at the hotel in Pinhão.



It is possible to enter the life of the Quinta, to better know all its diversity through the various visiting programs available, staying in the 19th century House. With the seal of the architect João Botelho and Miguel Oliveira Architects with the year of construction of 2011. It is a historic Quinta belonging to Esporão and where the first vertical vineyard of the Duero was planted in 1947. Visit to the vineyards, visit to the winery, testing of wines and oils, pedestrian tour of the estate. Quinta do Vallado: Built in 1716, it is one of the oldest and most famous fifth of the Douro Valley of the architect “Menos é Mais Arquitectos” – Francisco Vieira de Campos and Cristina Guedes. The year of construction is from 2009. In addition to the main house, where some rooms already existed, a small rural hotel was created on the property, the Wine Hotel, also designed by Francisco Vieira de Campos, with a series of wine tourism programs available to guests. A lunch is included here. Free Dinner. Accommodation at the hotel in Pinhão.



Breakfast at the hotel. Crossed ways: The winery is located in the Quinta da Teixuga, right in the heart of the river Dão of the Architect Nuno Pinto Cardoso in the year of construction of 2017.The winery combines the tradition of viticultural practices, maintaining the genuineness of winemaking to modernity and uniqueness of construction, very oriented to the practice of wine tourism. It is surrounded by mountainous massifs, such as the Sierra de la Estrella and Caramulo, allowing excellent thermal amplitudes for a good maturation of the grapes leading to its slow ripening produces wines with rich aromas and good acidity. In the Quinta do Encontro: There are no stairs in the basement and the connection between the four floors is made by a spiral path that imitates the rotation of a corkscrew by the Architect Pedro Mateus from the year of construction in 2008. The structural design of a barrel results in perfect conceptual harmony between wine production and modern architecture. Even the fireplace has the format of a bottle. Visit to the winery, wine tasting, lunch in the restaurant, wine shop, winebar. Lunch and Free Dinner. Overnight at the hotel in Luso.



Breakfast at the hotel. Herdade do Freixo: Deep passion for the preservation of the rural landscape materializes the construction of an innovative winery, totally underground, unique in Europe, serving the purposes of the vineyard without interfering in the balance of the natural ecosystem. With stamp of the Architect Frederico Valsassina in the year of construction of 2016. Through a surrounding ramp, illuminated by a skylight, you access the three levels of the cellar. Visit to the winery, wine tasting. Lunch and Free Dinner. Accommodation at the hotel in Évora.



Breakfast at the hotel. Herdade do Esporão: In the basement test room you can experience the entire production journey of a wine. With the seal of the Architect, Atelier Skrei – Pedro Jervell and Francisco Adão da Fonseca with the year of construction in 2014. In this territory there are planted about 40 varieties, 4 varieties of olives and orchards of organic production. We sought to unify the different environments that characterize the diversity of experiences that Enotourism offers, with the use of materials recovered from the industry and activity of the Herdade, in particular oak barrels, soils or wool from sheep. Visit to the winery, wine tasting, tasting of regional products, visit to the oil press, discover the Archaeological Complex of Los Perdigões. Lunch and Free Dinner. Accommodation at the hotel in Évora.



Breakfast at the hotel. Herdade do Rocim: La Bodega reconciles wine production with other activities related to culture and leisure. The architect was Carlos Vitorino and the year of construction 2007. The fault of Vidigueira, a natural accident that marks the division between the Upper and the Lower Alentejo, determines this vitivinicultural subregion. The escarpments of east-west orientation, with about 50 kilometers long, condition the climate of Vidigueira, making it, in spite of the location so far south, in one of the subregions with the mildest climate of the Alentejo. Visit to the winery, wine tasting. Lunch and Free Dinner. Accommodation at the hotel in Évora.



Breakfast at the hotel. Take a break from the glamorous Avenida da Liberdade, starting the journey from the majestic Marqués de Pombal Square to the Rossio, historic center. Restaurants, shops and bars here and there. A step away from the Moorish neighborhood, walk through the narrow and winding streets, surprising yourself with fantastic views. See the Tajo del Terreiro del Paço, the place where the caravels departed in search of new seas. Lunch and dinner free. Hotel accommodation in Lisbon.



Breakfast at the hotel and check out procedures.

Transfer to the Airport. Have a nice flight back home.


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Villages of Portugal https://www.heritagetravelservices.com/villages-of-portugal/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=villages-of-portugal https://www.heritagetravelservices.com/villages-of-portugal/#respond Thu, 11 Apr 2019 23:20:43 +0000 https://www.heritagetravelservices.com/?p=6343 Villages of Portugal

Source  – ruralea.com


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